The Authentic Series: Comparative Fēng-Shuǐ
by Jack Chiu
Type: |
Books |
978-988-18846-7-1 |
Publisher: |
ACMC Hong Kong |
Language: |
English |
No. of pages: |
216 pages |
Dimensions: |
225 x 150mm |
1st Edition: |
Nov 2018 |
1st Print: |
Nov 2018 |
Price: |
Overseas Order: | US$33.50 |  | plus shipping US$12.40 |
| Hong Kong Order: | HK$250.00 |  | plus shipping HK$52.30 |
| |  |
Comparative Fēng-Shuǐ, an elevated approach to the concept of Fēng-Shuǐ
The Classic said, ”Qì disperses with the wind and stops by the water.”
Our Ancestor tried to have the Qì clustered and have it channelled to where they want it stopped. Hence, we call it Fēng-Shuǐ.
Fēng-Shuǐ literally means 風 wind and 水 water in Chinese. The term and definition of 風水 Fēng-Shuǐ was first mentioned in 《葬書》 the Book of Burial by 郭璞 GUŌ Pú (276CE to 324CE) of the 晉朝 JÌN Dynasty. It was however generally acknowledged that 楊筠松 YÁNG Yún-Sōng (834CE to 900CE) of the late 唐朝 TÁNG Dynasty was the Great Grandmaster of modern Fēng-Shuǐ.
YÁNG left behind a few Fēng-Shuǐ books, which were collected by 《欽定四庫全書》 the Imperial Collection of the Four Categories (SKQS in short). They are 《撼龍經》 the Classic of Vibrant Dragon, 《青囊奧語》 the Secret Tips of the Green Bag and 《天玉經》 the Classic of Jade of Heaven. The first one talks about the auspiciousness of 巒頭 terrain while the other two talk about理氣 theory in Fēng-Shuǐ perspective. The terrain is also known as 形 the shape or the landscape while the theory 法 the method or the theory. A good Fēng-Shuǐ has to be of compliance of both the terrain and the theory.
The course of YÁNG’s Fēng-Shuǐ has apparently diversified into different Schools over the years. They obviously have different, and even contradicting, views with respect to good Fēng-Shuǐ. The question is: why makes the differences if they were descended from the same origin?
The Authentic Series: Comparative Fēng-Shuǐreveals the differences of the major Schools of Fēng-Shuǐ, namely 三元 Sān-Yuán and 三合 Sān-Hé, of which both of them claim to have carried YÁNG’s lineage. In addition, 玄空風水 Xuán-Kōng Dà-Guà (XKDG in short), which is getting popular among the foreign practitioners, is also claiming the lineage. This book covers the following topics:
- Origin of modern Fēng-Shuǐ
- Compasses of different Fēng-Shuǐ Schools
- Divine Spirit and Evil Spirit of Sān-Yuán Fēng-Shuǐ
- Star Substitution
- Advancing through Cycles
- Water Methods
Table of Contents
Part 1: What is Fēng-Shuǐ?
Offers an introduction of how Fēng-Shuǐ was described in Chinese ancient archives, such as 《書經》 the Book of Documents, 《詩經》 the Book of Poems and 《葬書》 the Book of Burial, and tries to trace the origin of modern Fēng-Shuǐ.
Part 2: Fēng-Shuǐ Compasses
Introduces the Yīn and Yáng properties of 二十四山 the 24 Mountains and the definition of 江東卦 jiāng-dōng guà and 江西卦 jiāng-xī guà, especially how they were interpreted by Sān-Hé, Sān-Yuán and XKDG Fēng-Shuǐ. In addition, introduces also the Tumbling Changes of Lines in a Trigram, which is used by the Schools of the Eight Abodes.
Part 3: Divine Spirit and Evil Spirit
Describes how 正神 the Divine Spirit and 零神 the Evil Spirit be interpreted by the Flying Stars and XKDG. With the Spirits defined, introduces how to determine the auspiciousness of Fēng-Shuǐ by bringing the Spirits to their rightful places.
Part 4: Star Substitution
Describes the application and significance of 兼星 Star Substitution from the Flying Stars and XKDG’s viewpoints.
Part 5: Advancing through Cycles
Introduces the application and the significance of 北斗七星打劫 the Robbery through the Dipper (or the Dipper’s Method) of the School of the Flying Stars and 星運流轉 the Circulation of Star Periods of XKDG.
Appendix I: Table of 64 Settings versus the 64 Hexagrams
Display the relationship between the 64 hexagrams versus the traditional 64 settings.
Part 6: Water Method
Identifies the guiding principle of 水法 Water Method from 曾文辿 ZĒNG Wén-Chān, one of the earliest apprentice of YÁNG, from his 《青囊序》 Unfolding the Green Bag, and thus to compare various Water Methods from different Schools, including 城門訣 the Secret of the Castle Gates, 三合水法 Water Method of Sān-Hé, the Yellow Springs of 救貧 the Savior and 殺人 the Butcher, 五鬼運財 Wealth through Wǔ-Guǐ, etc. Discloses also the mystery of 司馬頭陀水法 the Water Method of Dhuta SĪ-MǍ.
Who Should Buy This Book
This book is written to those who want to advance their understandings and knowledge of Fēng-Shuǐ.
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